Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 1.7.2024

Dan Adamson
January 7, 2024
Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 1.7.2024

New Year's Goals Check Point

Every week I will post a New Year's Goals Check Point where you will stop what you are doing and email me an update on your progress. I will also share with you how my goals are going:
Run 500 Miles: 6.5 Miles Ran (Longest run 2.95 miles, longest since my knee surgery)
4 Days a week of CrossFit: Worked out 5 days this week!
Sub 18% body Fat: Cutting out sugars and shifting to a lower carb diet.

The board is at the gym. You will have this week to fill out your goal, I will then hang this up so we can see it and the kids can't erase it. We can refer back to it through the year.


I am going to prove to all of you that all it takes is some consistency to see huge results over time. With my goals above it will push me to consistently attend the gym, run, and eat better. Notice how my goals don't say anything like do red level every single day or do anything that will be so unsurmountable that it would lead me to quitting. My goals are simple. Do the work and do it consistently. The more consistent we can be, the better our results will be.


The purpose of setting goals is to keep us accountable and keep us working to improve ourselves. The purpose of the above check point is to have someone to report to so we can track our progress. I really hope you all take me up on the Weekly check point and email me your progress to I will respond to all of you who hit me up and hopefully help you more to overcome any obstacles you might be having.

Coach Dan

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