Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 10.1.2023

Dan Adamson
October 1, 2023
Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 10.1.2023

Good Morning!

Lockdown 2023

The Lockdown is here and starts tomorrow!!! If you have not signed up, find a buddy and sign up here:

Order your shirts and sign up below!

Lockdown Shirt:

Lockdown Tank Top:

Ready for the first week WOD announcement? Each week I will announce the workout in my spotlight and you will also see it in the app. It will be the programmed workout every Monday for the next three weeks. Please coordinate with your partner to do the workout together on Mondays. If you need to do it later in the week, that is fine, just let me know.

Week 1 Workout

Tier 3

Strength + Sprint

10 Minutes
Max Complex:
3 Deadlifts
2 Power Cleans
1 Hang Squat Clean


200 Meter Sprint
200 Meter Sprint
25/18 Cal Bike
50 Wall Balls 20/14

Tier 2

Strength + Sprint

10 Minutes
Max Complex:
3 Deadlifts
2 Power Cleans
1 Hang Squat Clean


200 Meter Sprint
200 Meter Sprint
25/18 Cal Bike
50 Wall Balls 20/14

Tier 1

Strength + Sprint

10 Minutes
Max Complex:
3 Deadlifts
2 Hang Power Cleans
1 Hang Squat Clean


200 Meter Sprint
200 Meter Sprint
20/15 Cal Bike
50 Wall Balls 14/10

How it works

We will be doing this workout as our Workout of the Day all day on Mondays. Regardless if you are signed up or not, you still should come in. YOU ARE NOT RESTRICTED FROM COMING MONDAYS IF YOU DIDN'T SIGN UP! So come in regardless. But since you are doing the workout anyways, it would be more fun to have you join us in this year's lockdown.

We will be doing two heats so heat one will be judged by heat 2 and heat 2 will be judged by heat one.

Excited to see you all compete. There is no better competition to get your feet wet in than the Lockdown. It's in your regular class surrounded by your favorite people and it's a fun little yearly test and competition.

Dexabody 3rd Quarter ReTest

The time has come! A week from tomorrow, October 7th, we will have the Dexabody van at The Point. If you scanned in August as part of the Dexabody Side Hustle then this is your retest. If you want to enter the Dexabody Side Hustle for the final quarter of the year, this serves as your test.

Here is the link! Get signed up!

Final thoughts

I know that consistency can be hard but I want to challenge you to stick with it. Changes happen in life and excuses are easy to come by. If we allow these excuses to force us out of our gym routine, before we know it we have digressed and lost what we have worked so hard to achieve. It's too easy to let it happen. So recommit today to be consistent and challenge yourself each and every day.

Coach Dan

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