Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 10.8.2023

Dan Adamson
October 8, 2023
Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 10.8.2023

Good afternoon CFTP!

Dexabody Side Hustle Scan

Due to request and also the fact that we had low sign ups on tomorrow's scan. They have asked us to shift the scan to November. Many of you were not happy about this Side Hustle only lasting 2 months so... We are giving you another month to gain that muscle and lose that fat.

Here is the new link to sign up for November 6th!

Lockdown Week 1

How was that first workout?!?! You all put up some impressive weights and scores. Below I will post the scores and the current leaderboard. First though, I need to remind the following people to get their shirt orders in. If you don't get it in today, you won't be getting a shirt.

Daphne Miller

Ryan Cole

Thomas William Lewis III

Jordan Boyle

Matt Visser

Brent Ramey

Amy Latta McKinnon

Zac Hardle

Jason Brown

You can order them here!

Tank Top

Week 1 Results:

Lockdown Leaderboard after Week 1

Week 2 WOD Announcement

You all ready for week 2? Here is what you have in store for week 2!

Invite your friends!

We are currently running a first month half off deal to help you get some friends in. Emily and I have goals to build the gym up and now after taking it back over for the past 18 months or so, we are ready to push those goals but we need your help! Here are ways you can help us achieve our goals and achieve longevity as a gym!

Share with your friends: Here's the deal you can share with all of them. HALF OFF FIRST MONTH!

Go out of your way to introduce yourself and make newcomers feel welcome.

These two simple acts will be huge in helping us achieve our goals as a gym and enable us to be around for the long term. One more thing. If you or someone you know has the capability to help me market our gym, please hit me up ASAP! I have goals but I am going to need help in achieving them.

Thank you all for your continual support as without it, we wouldn't be able to do what we love everyday at The Point.

Coach Dan

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