Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 11.20.2022

Dan Adamson
November 20, 2022
Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 11.20.2022

Good Afternoon!

Assessment Week

This week was awesome! So many of you improved and set new personal records. I hope that you took a step back and appreciated what you have accomplished over the past few months. These are my favorite weeks and I loved seeing so many of you hitting such huge records.
We will now have a week off of the heavy lifting cycle and then get right back into it with some strength focused movements to help us improve our overhead position for our Olympic Lifts and of course continue to sprinkle in some skill and squat strength.

Thanksgiving Schedule

We will be having our normal schedule Monday-Wednesday then Thursday we will have our annual Turkey Day Massacre at The Point. We will be doing two classes, 7 AM and 8:30 AM. If you need to come in later or earlier, remember that all unlimited memberships get full access to the gym outside class times as well.

Member Spotlight

I am always so excited when members share their progress with me. This past week Devan showed me his progress pictures along side his brother Coleton's. I asked if it would be ok if I shared them so let's take a look!

Both of these guys joined us in July and took these first pictures in August or September... Amazing the difference a few months makes. They have gained muscle and lost fat and increased their strength by so much. They both hit huge PRs this past week and I don't see them stopping any time soon.

How did they do this? Anyone who have been to the night classes knows the answer to this question. They are super consistent. They rarely miss a workout and when they come in, they are always looking to improve. It has been so inspiring and has made me want to work harder and do better.

I love hearing stories like this so please, share them with me. It's important to celebrate your progress and important to track it as well. If you have success stories, please share them with me. Success could show up like above in the total body change or it could show up in a race or a competition or a lift or a gymnastic movement. Whatever that success looks like, celebrate and share it because your success can be motivation for someone else looking to get started.

Coach Dan

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