Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 11.5.2023

Dan Adamson
November 26, 2023
Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 11.5.2023

Good Evening,

I have been traveling all weekend so this will be short but we have some important announcements to make today.

Dexabody Scan

If you are scanning please sign up right now! They will be here tomorrow with the van! There are still the following clots open!

Sign up here!

This will be the rescan for those of you who signed up for the side hustle 3 months ago. There will not be a Side Hustle through the end of the year and we will pick up the side hustle again in January for the first quarter 2024.

Twas The WOD Before Christmas

We have less than a month before this competition and there are still a lot of spots left. I am cutting off the t-shirt deadline this Sunday so if you are planning on signing up, please do it now. I have a discount code for CFTP members so if you want that code, email me.

Here is the link to sign up.

Last Call Apparel order

I went out of town so I didn't get these ordered... It's your lucky day. You have until tomorrow to put an order in if you prcrastinated.

Do it here!

That's it for tonight. I will see you all in the gym this week!

Coach Dan

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