Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 3.5.2023

Dan Adamson
March 5, 2023
Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 3.5.2023

Good Afternoon!

Week 3 of the CrossFit Open was awesome! Saw some new PRs on the Snatch and first time strict Handstand Pushups and PRs on Double Unders. Love it! This is what it is all about.

Also, Friday Night Lights was lit!


We are so excited to welcome Coach Brandon Bowen to our Coaching team! He is a newer member of The Point but his positive presence was noticeable from day 1! He will be coaching our early birds on Fridays and some Saturdays here and there.

Let's learn a bit about Brandon:

Coach Brandon and his wife Callie, who are both Native Texans, recently moved to Bluffdale with their two gray tabby cats in tow from their home in San Antonio, Texas.  Brandon has been an avid CrossFitter since 2009. He attained his CF Level 1 certificate in 2010 and followed up with his CF Level 2 Certificate in 2017.  In 2010, he began coaching at CrossFit 405 in downtown Oklahoma City until his return home to Texas in 2018.  He coached at JonesN4CrossFit in San Antonio before his family moved to Utah.  

As a coach, one of Brandon's main priorities is promoting a healthy quality of life for members by teaching and promoting safe movement during training.  As such, mobility has become a primary point of emphasis in his coaching.  He looks forward to sharing his knowledge and skill set with the CF The Point population.


Friday Night Lights Team Final This Friday 6 PM

This Friday we are finishing off the open season with a final head to head to head to head competition. Teams Black, Teal, Red and Navy will all come together for one last competition. In this competition we will have the team captains choose 8 members of the team to represent their team. There will be 4 workouts on Friday night. Each workout will be a partner workout and will have two participants from each team competing. There will be points awarded to each team depending on where they finish and the team with the most points wins. Points from the Open will carry over so be sure to get all your points for PRs, Social Media Posts, referrals, etc to me asap so I can get them added to your team's scores.

Even if you aren't going to be representing your team, please come out and cheer each other on. Check out the event on Facebook!

This is for all members. Even if you didn't sign up this year, please come out and join us.

Also be sure to wear your team shirt if you purchased one! Want to get a big gym picture with everyone wearing their team colors!


We will be providing Wings for everyone at this week's Friday Night Lights so please RSVP by clicking the Facebook link above and say you are going. That way I get enough wings!

On top of that we are asking for some sides from you all... Here are the categories for what I would like for you to bring if you are able.

Last Names
Salad or Munchies




WOD 1 (Scaled Athletes)
10 Synchro Burpees
20 Med ball Sit-ups

6 AMRAP of wall balls and bike.
Partner 1 starts WB’s, Partner 2 starts bike. When the person doing WB’s breaks, you switch.
Score is total Calories and Wall Balls

50 Squat cleans For Time 155/105
EMOM 3 Bar Facing Burpees (Starting with minute 0)

3 Rounds for Time:
20 Box Get Overs 24/20
20 Pull-ups

Get with your team captains or they will be contacting you to invite you to one of these workouts!


Please let me know if you have any questions and I hope that we can see you all out at The Point this Friday night at 6 PM!

Coach Dan

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