Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 6.2.2024

Dan Adamson
June 3, 2024
Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 6.2.2024

Good Afternoon CFTP!

Return to The Point Promotion

Spread the word to all our fallen soldiers! We have a saying of once a CFTP family member, always a CFTP family member. If they have ever been a member at The Point, they qualify for this promotion!
$150/3 Months! This promotion is good for any member who has been gone for longer than 2 months. They have until the end of June to start this membership!

Share this link with them and let's get our friends back working out with us this summer!

CrossFit Kids Summer Camps

June 24-28
July 22-26
August 5-9

Choose one week or all three! Get your kids signed up for these fun camps run by Coach Alicia and Coach Shauna!

Here are the links:
Single Session
All 3 Sessions

Marketing help

In July we will be running the "Salute The Point" promotion like we do every year. This is a chance for you all to bring in your friends and family who have never tried CrossFit before!

In this promotion, we give away free shoes, free protein, free memberships, etc for your participation.

I want to add a new way for you to help and for you to better your chances to win. Bluffdale is really good at taking down yard signs that I leave out to advertise for The Point and they make it difficult to get official signs for the business. So I think I have found a way to promote through all of you. If you are willing to put a sign in your yard with the "Salute The Point" promotion during the month of July, I will give you 5 entries into each weekly drawing and also give you credit for having 1 referral for the grand prize.

I need a count of who is willing to do this so I can order enough yard signs. Email me at and let me know if you are able and willing to have a sign in your yard.

I also have a few signs sitting upstairs that are ready to roll this month with our half off deal. If anyone is up for taking one of those, I will give you 50% off protein in our store if you take one of those this month and put it in your yard.

Thanks for all of your support!


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