Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 7.10.2022

Dan Adamson
July 10, 2022
Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 7.10.2022

Good morning! Let's start this off with some announcements!

July CrossFit Kids Camp

Our July CrossFit Kids Camp is this week! We will be having classes every day at 10:45-11:30. If you haven't signed up and would like to go here. My little 6 year old Scarlet cannot wait!

Salute The Point Special Update

One week down and we have had 21 peeps join us! I will be doing a live drawing for 2 winners this past week. 1 for the weekly and the other because we hit the milestone of 20 new members. Those who invited early, congratulations because you have an amazing chance to win... of the 21 sign-ups, only 5 were referred and that means there is a 40% chance for Katie, Jen, James, Stephen or Mower to be drawn as a winner of new shoes today!

This week the entries into the shoe drawing will be a bit different. Change things up. The weekly drawing will be based off of social media posts done by you.

The Rules:
- Post a social media post on either Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #salutethepoint
- In the post talk about what you love most about CrossFit The Point and why friends should join you.
- Include in the post either the flyer or at least the website of the promotion:

Each individual post will add your name an extra time to the raffle. On Sunday I will draw a random winner for shoes!

I will also continue to reward those who bring in referrals... The next drawing threshold will be at 30 referrals and every 10 from there. Let's fill our gym with our friends!

Summer Vacations

As the summer wears on we all will have times we are out of town. A piece of advice. Do not let your 1-week vacations turn into a month long vacation from the gym. It is very easy to allow ourselves to prolong our return. Get back in as soon as possible so we can get back into our routine and keep you on track with your goals.

Coach Dan

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