Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 9.10.2023

Dan Adamson
September 10, 2023
Coach Dan's Sunday Spotlight 9.10.2023

Good afternoon CFTP!

Logo Vote for Apparel

I have put a vote for our next logo to use on our upcoming apparel order here. Jump on and get your votes in! If you aren't in our private group, request access and I will get you in.

Level Method Testing

It's crazy to think we have only been testing for 2 weeks. Feels like a long time right? I am aware of that many are a little tested out and I'll explain what I am doing about it for this final week below but I also want to make sure you know the importance of these tests and retests.

My goal is to have everyone in the gym complete every test. In July we had 45 new members join us and throughout the year we have had more than that. These new individuals have yet to have a chance to complete all of their tests. While we aim to complete at least a couple of tests per month throughout the year, it is important to have one time a year where we focus on completing them all in a 3 week period. I know for those of you who have tested all of these, it may seem monotonous or unnecessary but that is why we always provide an alternative workout for those individuals who feel they don't want to retest or have tested recently enough to feel good about where they stand.

I never want to make these three weeks a time where those members who have their full levels take a break. I have noticed a bit of a drop off in some classes and so it may just be circumstantial but I wanted to address it regardless. Sometimes testing isn't as fun as WODing but I hope you all understand the reasoning behind why we do it the way we do it.

On that note, this final 3rd week of testing will be a bit different. My number one goal this week is to get everyone their full levels. BUT, this is how we are going to go about it. There will be tests every day this week. If you have not completed said test or have a test that you missed and need to get completed, please strive to get that done this week.

If you have completed all the tests and feel good about where the tests have put you currently, every day we will have a regular workout programmed. This will be the first workouts listed in your app each day. The focus of the day will be on these workouts but we will also help to get everyone tested out. So after the warmup, we will separate into two groups, those who have completed all the tests (majority of the class) and those who need to test.

I am hoping with this little change for week 3 we can get you all back to WODing and enjoying the workouts. BUT, if you have remaining tests, let's get those done this week.

2023 Lockdown

Every year, we throw a 3-week lockdown. Last year was epic as we met each week on Friday Night to compete together.

Another reason for getting these tests done is that we will use the levels to help distribute which levels, there are three, you will complete the Lockdown in. We use the levels to ensure we are put into groups that keep it competitive and everyone is on a similar playing field.

The lockdown will be a team competition where you and a partner will complete one workout a week for 3 weeks. At the end of 3 weeks we crown our winners.

This will begin in October so expect more information to roll out about signing up and what to expect. In the meantime, be thinking about who you plan to team up with!

Teen CrossFit

We will be bringing back what we started in the summer. Teen CrossFit will start back up with a once a week thing starting Tuesday nights at 7 PM. We will do it once a week this month and if we can get a nice consistent group of teens coming in, we can look to bump it to twice a week in October.

Since we are starting with once a week, we will have just one pass available for those who want to sign their teens up. It will be a 10-punch pass for $135. That way even if we go to twice a week, you can have a pass that keeps it flexible. Once we move to 2 times a week, we will have a monthly membership option.

If your teen wants to participate, please go here to sign them up!

Final Thoughts

If you don't test, then we can't see progress. If we don't challenge ourselves, we won't see progress. Trust the process and I know we can help you achieve your goals.

Coach Dan

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